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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the available project statuses and how do they help in managing projects?

    The available project statuses are stages that a project goes through from the start to the completion of work. They help determine where the project currently stands and what will come next. When creating a project, you can choose from statuses: “Preliminary Planning,” “Invitation to Bid Received,” and “In the Process of Quoting.”

  2. How can I create a new project in the system?

    To create a new project, go to the “Contracts -> Projects” menu and use the “New” button, then fill in the required fields in the form.

  3. Why can’t I create a quote in the entered project?

    You can only start creating a detailed quote in projects with the appropriate status. Check if the project in question has the status “In the Process of Quoting” and if the “time and material” quote is not selected.

  4. What is the “project issue” status in a project?

    The “project issue” status indicates a stage where problems or special situations have temporarily prevented the continuation of work on the project.

  5. Do I need to close the form while creating a project to enter a new contact into the system?

    You do not need to close the currently filled form. You can enter a new contact into the system using the “Quick Add Contact” button.

  6. When can I change the project status and how do I do it?

    Changing statuses in projects defines the stages of their implementation. Simply click on the name of the current status in the selected project and choose a new status name in the displayed form. Statuses are set in chronological order.

  7. What are the project priorities and how do they affect their management?

    Project priorities determine their importance and can be set based on various criteria, such as the deadline or significance for the company. They affect project management by establishing the order of actions and resource allocation.

  8. What should be considered when creating a quote?

    When quoting a project, the costs of materials, employee work time, purchase or rental of specialized equipment, and additional costs incurred during implementation are taken into account.

  9. When to use the “Add Margin” function?

    If the price per unit of material used from the warehouse is to be higher by a margin set for all types of materials, set the slider to “Active” in the “Add Margin” field. This way, even with changes in purchase prices, the quote will have a safe reserve for the used material. The margin value is determined by the system administrator.

  10. What is the difference between a “project” and a “quote”?

    A quote is the next stage for a project entered into the system. In the project record preview, set the status to “In Quotation” and fill in the necessary data needed to create it.

  11. What information does a quote contain?

    A quote includes the method of billing for the service, work scopes, material and equipment costs, and other costs with a final summary.

  12. Why can’t I delete a quote from the system?

    Remember that a quote is a project. You cannot delete such projects for which the minimum status “Selected for Implementation” has been set. Such a project can be canceled. Unsuccessful projects provide additional information indicating whether it is worth making further quotes for a potential client.

  13. How to generate a quote in PDF format?

    You can generate a quote in PDF format using the “Download PDF” function button visible in the project preview with the status of a completed quote. The system will allow you to select the content visible on the downloaded document (e.g., whether to include prices for individual stages).

  14. Why can’t I generate a PDF file with the quote?

    You can create a quote in PDF format only for a project that has at least one “Scope of Work” and a final “Offer Amount” provided. Additionally, if the “Offer Amount” exceeds the summary amount for the work stages, generating a PDF with such a quote will be limited to a file with only the final price and list of works (without the possibility of sharing the costs of individual works).

  15. What is the import of a quote from a Norma PRO file and how to perform it?

    Importing a quote from a Norma PRO file allows for the automatic completion of quote fields in the system based on data from a cost estimate prepared in the Norma PRO program.

  16. Why does the system reject the uploaded Norma PRO quote file?

    You can upload a Norma PRO quote file only to projects with the status “In the process of quoting” or “Preliminary quote has been sent”. Change the status if the project does not have one of the given statuses.

  17. When do I need to provide the “Contract Amount”?

    For quotes with the status “We have been selected for implementation”, it is necessary to provide the “Contract Amount” before starting work.

  18. For which projects can I submit change requests?

    You can submit changes for “active” projects and those for which the quote is not based on the “Time and Material” principle.

  19. Where will the value for the change in the project be added?

    Costs related to changes in the project will be included in the project’s financial reports and the billing balance. A separate invoice should be issued for changes in projects.

  20. How to create a change request in the project for a “Time and Material” quote?

    If the project is billed on a “time and material” basis, the change should also be implemented according to this scheme.

    If a change request needs to be submitted, a new project should be created, taking into account the proposed change. After acceptance of such a quote, it will be implemented as a separate order.

  21. I see a change request in the project in the system, but I cannot change its status, why?

    Only users with appropriate permissions can change the statuses for submitted change requests in projects.

  22. What can control visits concern and for which projects are they intended?

    Control visits can concern projects with various statuses. Before starting the project, the inspector can determine, for example, the condition of the building, conduct employee inspections during the work, and determine the quality of work after completion.

  23. Who are the “Assigned Employees” visible in the information request?

    These are individuals who, after receiving feedback from the supplier or contractor to whom they sent the inquiry, will be able to change the status in the request.

  24. What types of billing invoices can I use in the system?

    Depending on the progress of work and agreements with the Client, the system allows for the registration of settlements in two variants: partial and full invoices, or advance and final invoices.

  25. What is the purpose of the “Invoices” section?

    In the “Invoices” section, you can issue invoices as current settlements with the client or synchronize settlements with another accounting program by entering analogous records to already issued invoices.

  26. Can I change the invoicing method after issuing the first billing invoice?

    No, if the first invoice issued for a given project has a specified invoicing method, subsequent invoices for that project must be settled in the same way.

  27. Can I include unbilled employee work time on the next issued invoice?

    Yes, unregulated employee work time will remain on the list and will be included in subsequent settlements. On the next invoice, the billing dates for these employees’ work time will refer to the retrospective period in the detailed view.

  28. I want to add several subcontractor agreements for one Subcontractor. Can I save them in one form?

    No, the scope of each agreement should be specified in a separate form. For agreements settled on a “Time and Material” basis, it will be important to create a “Work Schedule History” to monitor the progress of work and the number of hours worked, according to which the service will be billed.

  29. What is multi-stage settlement with a Subcontractor?

    Multi-stage settlement with a subcontractor allows for managing payments according to the progress of work and ensures control over the quality and timeliness of tasks performed. Additionally, this settlement method helps avoid large upfront payments, which in turn can increase control over the project budget and the subcontractor’s timeliness.

  30. How to account for the working time of field employees?

    Based on the “Employee Work Schedule” and recorded events in the “Planner -> Browse Events” section, you will be able to verify entries recorded on the “Employee Salaries” list. The system marks entries with a red background where there are irregularities related to the time or place of the employee logging into work in the mobile application.

  31. How to use the record copying function in the calendar?

    You need to select the “Copy” function button and click on the place in the table you want to copy. After selecting the destination for the copied value, click again with the mouse cursor. You can paste the allocation multiple times this way.

  32. Why can’t I change the current scope of work in an ongoing project?

    For ongoing projects, you cannot change the scope of work for which an estimate has been made. In such a situation, you need to submit a “Project Changes” request. Once accepted, the new scope of work will appear on the project list.

  33. How to move an entry on the work planner?

    Simply hover the cursor over the entry, and when the “pointing finger” icon appears, grab the cell with the entry and drag it to the target location.

  34. For what time range is it possible to move entries on the planner?

    Entries related to work allocation can be moved in the graphical calendar table both forward and backward (right-left).

  35. When resuming work on a suspended project, will the number of days worked disappear from the planner?

    The number of days worked is remembered by the system regardless of the suspension period.

  36. How can I view an employee’s schedule for a selected date?

    You can go to the employee work schedule view tab by employee and select a specific person there. You can also go to the schedule events list and filter by person there.

  37. Why do some employees have an allocation marked in gray in the selected project’s schedule?

    Assignments marked in gray indicate that employees have already been scheduled for another project’s work schedule, so they cannot be assigned to the selected project on the same day. Assignments in blue pertain to the assignments of the currently viewed project.

  38. Can an employee be assigned to work on two different projects in one day?

    Yes, but only if the working hours for one project are different from the other (the times cannot overlap).

  39. What should I remember when creating a work schedule for a Contractor?

    You cannot create an assignment for a contractor without first attaching a written subcontractor agreement to the project and adding the subcontractor’s foreman, who is responsible for reporting work progress and the presence of subcontractor employees.

  40. How does the GPS system work in the context of employee location?

    The GPS system in employees’ phones automatically locates their current position and sends information to when they check in and out of work, allowing verification of the correctness of employees’ login and logout locations.

  41. What do the notifications received by employees regarding their login location to the application concern?

    Employees may receive notifications on their phones if they leave the workplace early or arrive late, and if their login location is distant from the project address.

  42. Within what time frame can I generate a Client report on work progress?

    You can generate the report within a time frame of up to 30 days.

  43. How can I recognize a project carried out on a “Time and Material” basis when reviewing the Project Time Balance section?

    A project with a “Time and Material” estimate can be recognized by the blue background of the message visible in the record list.

  44. What do the “Warnings” appearing on the Project Time Balance list signal?

    Each warning specifies an irregularity related to the time allocated for project completion. These can be notifications about unaccounted work hours of employees or exceeding workdays.

  45. What does the term “Undefined” mean on the work scope list in the selected work time balance preview?

    The term “Undefined” means that when recording an employee’s work time, the activities they were engaged in were not specified. This happens during mass editing of field employees’ attendance by an office worker, for example, when field employees do not use the mobile app or forget to log in at work.

  46. How to assess the profitability of a project using the “Financial Balance of Projects”?

    The financial balance of projects presents the difference between the contractual amount and all incurred costs related to the project execution, allowing for an assessment of the project’s profitability.

  47. How to evaluate sales by estimators using the report?

    The report on Sales by Estimators presents information about the number of projects acquired by estimators in relation to the estimates made.

  48. What information does the report on Field Employees’ Attendance contain?

    The report on Field Employees’ Attendance graphically presents information about the lack of work start, incorrect start or end of work, and incorrect distance to work for field employees.

  49. Can I add multiple Sales Goals for one salesperson in one month?

    You can add multiple sales goals depending on the project type simultaneously by clicking the “New” button and filling in the appropriate fields in the forms. You cannot add multiple sales goals for one month for the same project type.

  50. Why is reporting issues important in

    Reporting issues related to project execution significantly impacts the completion deadline and is crucial for documenting any disputes with the Client.

  51. Can I create a backdated report for a weather issue in

    Yes, you can create backdated reports, but remember to manually fill in the weather conditions that prevailed at that time.

  52. Why can’t I report multiple non-weather-related issues at once?

    Each issue must be registered as a separate record if it concerns multiple work scopes. This makes verification and problem-solving easier and clearer.