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Entering project information into the system before estimating improves their management efficiency. The planning process is like writing down plans before setting off on a journey - it helps to know what needs to be done and how to develop. Available project statuses are simply the stages we go through, from the start to the end of the work stage. They indicate where we currently are and what will be next.

Creating a new project

Any types of orders (projects) that will be waiting for the creation of an estimate in the system can be entered into the system.

REMEMBER: Only in projects with the appropriate status can you make an estimate.

To enter an order into the project list, proceed in order:

  1. Go to the “Contracts → Projects” menu and create an entry using the “New” button.

  2. Fill in the fields of the form in the “General” tab, the meaning of which is as follows:

  • Project name: Name for the created project, e.g. “Zacisze Sports Hall”.

  • Type of customer: Determine the entity to which the project should relate, e.g. “Commercial” for a company or “Private” for an individual and select the appropriate Contact from the list, if it exists in the system.

NOTE: Using the “Quickly add contact” button, you can enter a new entity into the system without having to close the currently completed form.

  • Type of project: Choose from the list the type of work to which the order should relate.

REMEMBER: Project types are determined by the administrator. If your project includes other types of work than those available on the list, contact the administrator to supplement the list.

  • Status: Determine the stage from among the available ones for the introduced project:

    • Preliminary planning - an entry concerning the general outline of the project for which we are not yet making a detailed estimate.

    • Received an invitation to submit an offer - an entry concerning a project that has been presented by a potential customer. For this choice, below you should specify the “Date of receipt of the invitation”.

    • During the estimation - an entry concerning a project for which the estimation process has begun.

  • Estimator, Project Manager: Select from the list the entity responsible for creating the estimate and supervising the construction.

NOTE: If “Default estimator” and “Default project manager” have been selected in the system settings, this field will be filled in automatically. You can make changes in it by selecting another person from the list of people assigned to the appropriate groups.

  • Project Address 1 and 2, City, Country, Region, Postal Code: Address fields specifying the location of the project implementation.

  • Start date: The start date of the work.

  • Estimated completion date: The planned day of completion of the work specified in the project.

  • Department: The organizational unit responsible for implementing the added project, selected from the drop-down list.

REMEMBER: The types of departments are determined by the administrator. If you want to add a new department name needed for the entry being created, contact the administrator.

  • Priority: Determine the importance of the order by selecting one of the available options from the list: Low, Medium, High, Very High.

NOTE: Depending on the selected priority, the record will be highlighted with the background color on the list with the appropriate intensity of its color. Low priority will not have highlighting, while very high priority will be marked the most. Medium and high priority will take on intermediate colors.

  • Description: Additional information, notes related to the project.
  1. Optionally, go to the “Details” tab and assess the relationship with the General Contractor, where the choice concerns:

    • Option “No” - GC will not mediate in the created project.

    • Option “Yes” - GC acts as an intermediary and takes over the full range of work on the project, and we only act as a subcontractor.

    In the further part, determine the stages of agreements with GC, which refer to:

  • General Contractor’s Project Number: The serial number assigned to the project by the GC.

  • Our offer selected for negotiation by the GC: Date of consultation with the GC.

  • Estimator, Manager, Inspector: Choose people from the appropriate groups who will be responsible for the listed functions.

  1. Save the completed data using the “Confirm” button.

Preview and editing of entered projects

Regardless of the set status, you can make changes in all projects entered on the list. To find a specific project, it is worth using the methods of filtering and sorting records, which have been described in more detail here. The quick list filtering option may be helpful, due to the current status of the projects. It has been marked on the screenshot below.

Possible quick filters:

I. Plans, negotiations, acquired or active: all projects that are before or during implementation.

II. Acquired or active: all projects being implemented.

III. Closed or completed: all completed projects.

To view the entered project and make changes in it, proceed in the following order:

  1. Go to the “Contracts → Projects” menu and click on the “Display” action button or its name for the selected project.

  2. Depending on the status of the project entered into the system, the fields in individual tabs may slightly differ.

  3. Click on the “Edit” button and make changes in the selected tabs, then save the forms using the “Confirm” button.

REMEMBER: Editing some tabs in projects is only available to users with appropriate permissions, e.g. the “Estimate” tab.

Example: Tabs available in the project with the status “Received an invitation to submit an offer”.

  • General: Information visible when entering the entry into the system.

  • Estimate: Estimated data available only for the active “Time and Material” field.

NOTE: Changing the status to “In the process of estimating” will enable changes to be made to the “Time and Material” field.

  • Details: Among others, a setting related to the association with the General Contractor.

  • CRM & Organizer: All attached “Tasks”, “Meetings” and “Phone Calls” that are related to the currently viewed project.

  • Material Verification, Information Requests, Project Visits: A place for appropriately attached applications depending on their purpose.

NOTE: Changing the status to “In the process of valuation” will allow the introduction of “Material Verification” applications.

  • More: Additional links for this project, visible in the tabs:

    • Attached (Notes and files, Emails and Acceptable documents).

    • Information (author and date of record creation).

    • History (who and when made changes in the project record).

NOTE: Only users with administrator privileges have the ability to restore deleted projects from the list.

REMEMBER: Each subsequent status chosen after the “Invitation to tender received” status will have an appropriately increased number of tabs.

Example: List of tabs visible after expanding “More” in the currently implemented project.

  • Invoices: List of records related to the financial settlement for the project.

  • Costs: Records in which the costs associated with the implementation of the project have been specified.

  • Material Verification: List of applications for verification of materials marked in the valuation.

  • Information Requests: List of applications for providing information on questions arising during the project.

  • Planner: Work schedule of employees assigned to a given project. It is filled in by the project manager and updated based on the registration of construction workers in the mobile application.

  • Subcontracting Agreements: Settlement with the subcontractor for the implementation of the project stage.

  • Project Visits: List of records with conducted visits to the project.

  • Estimation Accuracy and Work Progress: Project profitability analysis based on daily reports submitted by foremen, containing the progress of work delegated to project employees.

  • Issues: Reported issues that may affect the smooth running of work.

  • Equipment: History of borrowed equipment for the duration of the project and insight into lists with deferred returns, pickups, and reported equipment needs.

  • Warehouse: List of warehouse materials on the project and those that have been used to implement the project.

  • Reports: Preview of work progress based on reports and balance of working time of employees and financial balance based on recorded costs (cost of employees, materials, equipment, and others) and valuation.

Changing statuses in projects

Changing statuses in projects allows for the introduction of correlations between their implementation stages. Depending on the data entered into the system, appropriate tabs may appear or disappear in the preview of a given project.

You can change the status in the project according to the scheme:

  1. Find on the list of projects, the project in which you want to change the status and click with the cursor on its current status name.

NOTE: You cannot skip certain statuses - the change of statuses always takes place in a way forced by the next stages of the project.

  1. Make a choice of a new status and save the choice using the “Confirm” button.

  2. Review the visible form, fill in the appropriate fields according to the changes you want to make, and then save the changes by clicking the “Confirm” button.

Examples of available “Main Statuses”, defining key project stages:

  1. Preliminary planning.

  2. Received an invitation to bid.

  3. During the valuation.

  4. Offer sent.

  5. We were chosen for implementation.

  6. In progress.

  7. Closed.

Examples of available “Intermediate Statuses”, referring to special situations or problems that may occur during the project implementation:

  1. Bid submission suspended.
  2. We are not interested.
  3. Preliminary valuation has been sent.
  4. Works lost by the general contractor.
  5. Works lost.
  6. Works canceled.
  7. Works suspended.
  8. Problem with the project.
  9. Completed.

NOTE: When closing the project, create a warehouse shift for all unused material. Unsettled goods left on the project will be included in the project costs.